Course Title: ART 500 Elementary Art Methods and Management
Term: Spring Term
Course Description
ART 500: ELEMENTARY ART METHODS AND MANAGEMENT. THREE CREDITS. This course provides an in-depth study of best practices in methods and classroom management related to the elementary art classroom. Topics include materials, strategies, techniques, and organization necessary for successful teaching elementary art. The Artist/Researcher/Teacher framework is employed to promote positive action and reflection in teaching and learning. Students in the MAT Art Education program must register for the co- curricular ART 500L Art for the Elementary School Clinical. Requirement for MAT Art Education.
Requirement for Converse Alternative Certification – Art Education Program depending upon level of service. Lab fee.
Context: This course is required for the MAT Art Education student who is seeking initial certification in Art Education and is required by the SC Department of Education and NASAD. This course can be double-listed with ART 300 for MAT/BA Art Education. This course is required for the Converse Alternative Certification – Art Education Program if the candidate teaches at the elementary level.
Process: Students will develop lesson plans, SLOS, and other elementary classroom materials and from their readings and discussions prepare for ETS examinations as needed. The class will be taught using instructor lecture and demonstration, collaborative and individual student projects, peer presentations of information, and reflections on artists’ works. This course may be offered in an online, hybrid, or face-to-face format.
Content: Students will gain knowledge and skills of elementary classroom curriculum, instruction, and assessment methods along with best practices in art education, art integration, contemporary classroom issues, and classroom management through guided discussion and presentations.
Course Objectives
1. Students will develop broader knowledge and understanding of the problems in the elementary art classroom as demonstrated in use of developmentally appropriate standards and design of developmentally appropriate art experiences.
2. Students will develop strategies for addressing effective teaching in the art classroom as demonstrated in their ADEPT SCTS 4.0 documentation, lesson plans, and classroom management plan.
3. Students will develop an understanding of the influences of factors such as diversity, the special needs students, creativity, and technology in the art room as demonstrated in curriculum and management resources, and presentations.
4. Students will develop knowledge of art materials, skills in instruction, and an understanding of strategies and management skills necessary to teach in the public school program in the 21st century
5. Students will demonstrate studio efficacy in their personal art-making to positively impact classroom learning and climate.
Course Outcomes
1. The student will develop an understanding of aligning State Standards to student development through the construction of grade level plans and lesson plans using ADEPT SCTS 4.0 documents.
2. Students will create documents to meet Teacher Evaluation standards in ADEPT SCTS 4.0, including a classroom management plan.
3. Students will create curriculum resources, management resources and strategies for teaching art to various K-5 grade level students and for students with diverse needs and present strategies to the class through their reading reflections.
4. Students will construct responses regarding a variety of art materials suitable for grade K-5 age students and gain knowledge in production, criticism, aesthetics, and art history.
5. Students will create 4 professional studio projects based on the lesson that they develop.
Studio Thinking from the Start: The K-8 Art Educator’s Handbook. 2018. J. Hogan, L. Hetland, D. Jaquith, E. Winner. Teachers College Press.
The New Art and Science of Teaching Art and Music: Effective Teaching Strategies Designed for Teaching Music and Art Education. 2019. M. Onuscheck, R. Marzano, J. Grice. Solution Tree.
Course Requirements
1. Curriculum planning: 1 draft and 1 original lesson plan based on a contemporary artist in Converse or School District Template. Grade level long range plan matched to standards for K-5 grades and teaching strategies for diverse learners and populations.
2. Responses to readings.
3. A Powerpoint presentation for the lesson.
4. Budget for elementary classroom.
5. Gallery attendance – 2 reviews.
Curriculum Planning
Powerpoint for Lesson (in PDF).pdf
Response to Readings
Response to Chapter 2 Studio Thinking from the Start
Construct a summary paragraph of the chapter and a paragraph of your response to concepts in the chapter. Each paragraph should be at least 5 sentences at a minimum.
Chapter 7 OMG (Onuscheck, Marzano & Grice) Using Engagement Strategies
Read Chapter 7 and construct a response to 10 questions on pages 101 and 102.
Budget Order for an Elementary Classroom
You have $1500 to spend for the year. Develop a budget using this to work with an elementary classroom. You can use the Blick site to order, but remember, do not put it through. Save the order as a PDF (Go to print and click on the drop down box where the printer is located and click save as PDF).
Gallery Reviews
Be sure to follow the guidelines and rubric for best results that are in Canvas.