Course Title: 565 Graduate Exhibition
Term: Summer
Course Description
This course provides evidence of artistic depth and accomplishment for graduate art education majors in the Masters in Education and Masters of Arts in Teaching programs. The course represents the culmination of each student’s studio experiences. This course is required for all graduate Art Education majors. Grading is on a pass/fail basis. Zero Credit.
Context: All graduate Art Education students in MEd and MAT programs.
Process: The teacher will provide a structure for the culmination project and completion of the MEd and MAT programs through classroom modeling and mentorship.
Content: Students will demonstrate their skill in studio experiences and presentation by successfully meeting the graduate exhibition requirements. Students will also present a power point presentation that describes their influences and the impact of their artwork on their teaching.
Course Objectives
The student will demonstrate professional artist behavior through the successful presentation of his/her work in a gallery setting and in digital presentation by defining sources, discussing media and artistic styles and principles and relating the impact of artmaking on his/her teaching.
The student will demonstrate the ability to market and publicize his/her work.
The student will demonstrate the ability to create digital documentation files of his/her artwork for publicity and marketing purposes.
The student will demonstrate the ability to create a professional resume/CV.
The student will demonstrate the ability to create a valid artist’s statement that communicates their experiences and intent with their artwork. Students will include a PowerPoint presentation documenting their work and artistic and stylistic references.
Course Outcomes
Public presentation of your master’s exhibition, which includes professional presentation of one’s artwork in a gallery and in digital format.
Creation of an announcement.
Documentation of artwork or interior design projects shown in the exhibition, in the form of digital thumbnails and in the Google drive folder. A disk/thumb drive will contain the digital images (20 digital hi-res/300 dpi, jpg.) of work in the show and of the exhibition gallery space. An image list must also be included. A printed image list must accompany the disk in the binder.
Inclusion of an up to date resume/CV printed and on the thumb drive and Google drive folder.
Updated Artist’s statement, displayed in the exhibition and on the thumb drive and Google drive folder, and PowerPoint presentation.
Exhibition Cards

Exhibition Images/Influences
Artist Statement
Artist Bio