Course Title: ART 516 Secondary Art Methods and Management
Term: Fall
Course Description
ART 516 SECONDARY ART METHODS AND MANAGEMENT. THREE CREDITS. This course provides a more in depth study of the concepts and principles of art education as it relates to the secondary school level art program. This provides a more thorough review of the concepts and principles of art education for the secondary art teacher. Students will study the materials and methods for teaching art in the twenty-first century. Emphasis is given to the artistic development of art students in the secondary school and the South Carolina and National Standards for art instruction and for Art Teacher Preparation. Offered in fall term. Program requirement. Lab fee.
Coursework will be submitted in hardcopy and digitally depending on the particular assignment. Midterm grades will be submitted for all course work completed through the midterm grading period on the percentage noted below.
Context: Preservice MAT Art Education candidates and MEd Art Education candidates who have not taken a similar course in their initial certification.
Process: Students will develop lesson plans, long range plans, and other secondary classroom materials and from their readings and discussions prepare for the Praxis 2 and PLT examinations.
Content: Students will gain knowledge and skills of secondary classroom curriculum, instruction, and assessment methods along with best practices in art education, art integration, and classroom issues and management through guided discussion and presentations. This information will include discussion of issues pertinent to the Praxis 2 and PLT examinations.
Studio Thinking 2 – Hetland, Winner, Veenema, & Sheridan ISBN-13: 978-0807754351
50 Strategies to Boost Cognitive Engagement: Creating a Thinking Culture in the Classroom – Rebecca Stobaugh. Solution Tree Press. ISBN 9781947604773
Supplemental texts and additional resources on the Canvas platform.
Course Objectives
1.The student will develop a broad knowledge and understanding of teaching art in the secondary art classroom.
2.The student will develop projects and plans for teaching art in the secondary art classroom.
3.The student will develop an understanding of the influences of factors such as diversity, exceptionalities, creativity, and technology in the art room.
4.The student will develop knowledge of art materials, skills in instruction, and an understanding of strategies necessary to teach in the secondary public school program.
5.The student will develop an understanding of the Artist/Researcher/Teacher model and the impact of personal art making on his/her teaching.
Course Outcomes
Construct a student profile list to compare and contrast characteristics of the adolescent age student to other age groups and list of strategies to assist in teaching diverse student populations.
Construct SLOs and Lesson Plans to develop planning skills from the study of various media, content, and issues appropriate for the adolescent student.
Construct curriculum resources to meet the needs of diversity, exceptionalities, creativity, and technology in teaching art to adolescent age students.
Create projects and artworks using a variety of art materials suitable for the adolescent
student and gain knowledge in production, criticism, aesthetics, and art history through the
creation of artworks and gallery attendance and reflection. Generate a budget and supply list for the classroom.
Create a series of related studio projects at the master’s level to simulate a mini-Advanced
Placement Art and Design portfolio concentration, which will provide substantive works to their portfolio for Graduate Exhibition. A written artist statement and reflexive journal will be required demonstrating the connection between teaching and art-making.
Project Title for written work assignments:
Lesson Plan Project
Construct a Draft of a Lesson Plan using state standards, CABD objectives, appropriate assessments.
Construct a complete SCTS 4.0 Lesson plan using state standards, CABD objectives, appropriate assessments. Provide all components of the lesson plan
Construct a PowerPoint presentation to support your lesson plan.
Response to Readings
Construct a 2-3 paragraph response to your reading. Provide a summary and then analysis of the text with a note about how this particular text may or may not impact your art making or teaching.
Secondary Budget
Construct a budget for a middle or high school art program with a budget of $2000 for the year. Assume that the classroom has scissors, rulers, and basic equipment such as a paper cutter.
Exhibition Reviews
Using the Exhibition Review Guidelines, complete two Gallery reviews. One can be from an exhibition in the Milliken Gallery. The other must be from another location.
Critique Activities
Find an Impressionist painting of your choice and use the steps of Feldman's Critical Model to develop your skill. Complete the Feldman's Critical Worksheet.
Watch a classic movie. You will write a paper to critique the film using Feldman's Model. Take copious notes scene by scene for the description and then analyze what the Director is trying to demonstrate.
AP Mini-Concentration
Construct a 4-piece body of related work as an “AP Mini-Concentration.” Complete the assignment with an artist statement. These works should demonstrate a high level of artisanship, research concerning media and topic, and execution of image and idea.