Course Title: Course Title: ART 588 Multicultural Art Education
Term: Spring
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to examine various cultures and their art as they relate to art instruction. Students will study various multicultural art works and the factors influencing them. Emphasis will be given to the planning of lessons using interdisciplinary information and production of art works.
Context: This course is for MAT and MEd students who are interested in expanding the traditional art education curriculum to include techniques and experiences in non-western art.
Process: The teacher will provide support for designing and implementing multicultural classroom art experiences through the review of research, cross-cultural texts and artifacts, videos and other digital presentations. Students will design integrated curriculum, demonstrate the ability to review research, and create authentic responses to multicultural influences through embedded art experiences.
Content: The student will review major non-western art forms, develop expertise in designing classroom experiences in non-western media through presentations, lesson plans, and use of various media. The student will expand their ability to review and analyze research and create art to enhance their teaching ability.
Manifold, M., Willis, S., & Zimmerman, E. (2016). Culturally Sensitive Art Education in a Global World. Alexandria: VA. National Art Education Association.
Course Objectives
1. The student will be able to demonstrate a broadened knowledge and understanding of the value of multicultural art education in the school curriculum through the development of presentations based on multicultural class content.
2. The student will be able to develop strategies for multicultural art education integration into other arts areas and across the core curriculum as demonstrated in their lesson plans.
3. The student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the influences of factors such as history, government, geography, social structures, etc. upon art from native, folk, and non-western cultures and how materials and techniques differ due to locale.
4. The student will be able to promote an understanding of aesthetics, art criticism, and connect art history and culture through reflections on contemporary art and looking for non-western influences and communicate that to their peers.
Course Outcomes and Assignments
Read and respond to assigned chapters and articles that pertain to multicultural art education
and the K-12 classroom in a substantive manner. Students will also analyze research based on these chapters that is pertinent to multicultural art education by responding to select articles, chapters, and videos.​
Construct 1 lesson plan on a Contemporary Non-Western Artist that will include cross-curricular concepts.
Create and present 1 Power Point that enhances their students’ understanding of the Contemporary Non-Western artist and relate to their lesson plan.
Develop a presentation for SCAEA based on your research and Contemporary Non-Western artist/lesson plan.
Responses to Readings and Videos
Read and respond to assigned chapters and articles that pertain to multicultural art education
and the K-12 classroom in a substantive manner. Students will also analyze research based on these chapters that is pertinent to multicultural art education by responding to select articles, chapters, and videos.
Contemporary Non-Western Artist Lesson Plan
Construct 1 lesson plan on a Contemporary Non-Western Artist. This plan will be part of a greater unit for presentation at SCAEA.
Contemporary Non-Western Artist PowerPoint Presentation
Create and present 1 Power Point that enhances their students’ understanding of the Contemporary Non-Western artist and relate to their lesson plan.
Presentation Submission for SCAEA
Develop a presentation description for SCAEA based on your research and Contemporary Non-Western artist/lesson plan.