Course Title: Art 503 History and Philosophy of Art Education
Term: Odd Numbered Summers and by DIS as Needed
Course Description
This course provides an intensive study of the historical and philosophical development of Art Education in America and abroad. The course emphasizes significant trends and movements that have affected the growth of Art Education and present structure of the discipline through historical research and analysis of past and current practices. This course is designed for the advanced certification art education student in the MEd Art Education degree program or with permission by the instructor for other related advanced degree programs or recertification.
Context: This course is designed for the advanced certification art education student in the MEd Art Education degree program or with permission by the instructor for other related advanced degree programs or recertification.
Process: The instructor will provide experiences for student reflection on readings, interaction and discussion with classmates regarding course topics, research in the history and philosophy of art education, and opportunities to present their findings.
Content: The course topics include: Classical Schools and Academies, the Rise of the Guilds, Patronage and Political Influences, the Rise of Schools of Design, Competing Philosophical Views and Philosophers, Applied Art to Design, the Recognition of Child Art, Discipline-based Art Education, Arts Integration and the Standards Movement, Visual Culture, Artist/Researcher/Teacher Model.
Text Required :
Boland, P.; Blandy, D.; & Congdon, C. (2000). Remembering Others: Making Invisible Histories of Art Education Visible, National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. ISBN: 1-890160-02-4
Efland, Arthur. (1990). A History of Art Education. Teachers College Press, NY.
ISBN: 0-8077-2977-9
Course Objectives
The student will demonstrate an understanding of major historical movements in art education through research and response to readings and analysis of personal practice in online forums and journals.
The student will demonstrate an understanding of major philosophical movements in art education and their connection to historical events and needs through research and response to readings and analysis of personal practice.
The student will demonstrate case study research by interviewing and researching an exemplary art educator and develop a paper and presentation of a major historical and/or philosophical movement in art education for possible presentation at professional conferences and dissemination to class members.
Course Outcomes
Constructed responses and reflections to reading topics and participation in discussion on the history of art education and review of personal practice.
Construction of a personal philosophy of art education.
Construction of a case study interview and paper on an exemplary art educator for possible presentation at professional conferences and dissemination to class members..
Constructed Responses and Reflections to Readings
Two types of responses are noted here with regards to reflections to readings: Journal
responses, which require no peer response and Discussions, in which a peer response
is encouraged. Feel free to respond to other participants in the class as long as you are
respectful and constructive.
Construct a 2-3 paragraph response to your reading. Provide a summary and then
analysis of the text with a note about how this particular text may or may not impact
your art making or teaching.
Personal Philosophy of Art Education
Construct a 5-page double spaced 12 pt. font that is grammatically correct and
describes your philosophy of Art Education. Connect your readings to your beliefs.
Discuss how your philosophy impacts your classroom.
Paper and Presentation Case Study of an Exemplary Art Educator
With professor assistance select an exemplary art educator and contact them for an interview. Get permission to conduct and share research (letter provided). Load permission and any artifact items into the Google Drive folder for the SCAEA archives.
Provide background information such as information regarding the art teacher’s tenure and career. Label it Introduction.
Provide a detailed objective description of the art educator in each of the areas of development:
Early Years and include: family data, information regarding background and origins, childhood interest in art and family encouragement of lack of it (how).
Formal Education and include: college and university influences, social influences to join the profession, artistic influences.
Teaching Career and include: relationship with students (may interview some), relationship with other artists and organizations that the educator affiliated with and how his/her student populations and organizations affiliations affected his/her teaching.
Artistic Career and include how or did the educator worked as an artist/teacher. Why or why not?
E. Theoretical Comparison. Discuss the educator’s teaching philosophy and how it was relevant for the times and may or may not be relevant today.
List your sources of information (Label-Sources) and number them. At the end of each section (Introduction-Intellectual Development) list sources by number.
You must have at least 3 sources including the educator and yourself.