Course Title: ART 314/ART 501 School Art Curriculum and Methods
Term: Fall, Spring, Summer
Undergraduate Course Description: ART 314:
School Art Curriculum and Methods. Three Credits. The purpose of this course is to aid developing and practicing art educators in the development of art curricula, methods of instruction, and assessment in teaching art. Emphasis will be placed on exploring specific areas to better equip the art teacher in meeting the needs of the students in the public school setting to include developmental needs, arts integration, materials and supplies, and organization. Course content will include all applicable SC standards for visual arts classrooms and the SC standards for teacher evaluation. Students should take this course during the Fall Term of the junior or senior year. Requirement for BA Art Education.
Graduate Course Description ART 501:
School Art Curriculum and Methods. Three Credits. The purpose of this course is to assist developing and practicing art educators in the development of art curricula, methods of instruction, and assessment in teaching art. Additional curricular and pedagogical factors to be emphasized include: accommodating developmental learning stages and learner needs, creativity, technology, implementing arts integration, teaching to diversity, exploring PK-12 materials and supplies, and organizing the classroom for effective teaching. Course content will include all applicable SC standards for visual arts classrooms and the SC standards for teacher evaluation. Requirement for MAT Art Education or Converse Alternative Certification – Art Education Program.
Course Objectives
1. The student will gain a broader knowledge and understanding of curricular issues in the art classroom and develop strategies and potential solutions.
2. The student will develop strategies for delivering the curriculum using research-based content and methods for the K-12 art student.
3. The student will develop an understanding of key aspects for curriculum development such as diversity, students with exceptionalities, creativity, integrating art with other content areas, and implementing technology in the art classroom.
4. The student will develop knowledge of art materials, skills in art and art instruction, familiarity with local resources, and an understanding of strategies necessary to teach in the public school program in the 21st century.
5. The student will develop an understanding of the Artist/Researcher/Teacher model and the impact of personal art making on his/her teaching.
Course Outcomes
1. Respond to information on issues and potential solutions for varying age levels, cultural, gender, and learning styles based on chapters in texts and supplemental research in best practices.
2. Create a long-range art planning guide for delivering all standards at an assigned grade level or grade band along with collected lesson plans and an art budget/materials list for one of the following school settings: elementary, middle, or high school.
3. Construct 1 draft plan, 1 Converse SCTS Lesson Plan, 1 visual presentation, and a list of curriculum resources for teaching art in the K-12 program while taking into account key contributors to curriculum development. Include examples of art based to meet the needs of diversity of the classroom and integrate today’s technology.
4. Create art experiences using a variety of materials and concepts through the development of a bank of long-range plans and lesson plans for grades K-12. Gain knowledge in production, criticism, aesthetics, and art history through reflection on art exemplars, and creation of artworks.
5. Develop expertise through research and practice in an area of art by creating an artwork based upon their lesson plan.
Prior to Fall 2022 - Day, Michael & Hurwitz, Al. Ninth Edition. (2011). Children and Their Art. Cengage Learning; 9th edition.
Starting Fall 2022 - Sticker-Voigt, Debrah. (2020). Teaching and Learning in Art Education: Cultivating Students’ Potential from Pre-K through High School. Routledge.
Project Title for written work assignments:
Response to Chapter Readings
Construct a two-paragraph response to the most important ideas, concepts in the chapter. Summarize in the first paragraph and analyze in the second paragraph. Each paragraph should have at least 5 sentences. Pay attention to important details and special vocabulary.
Planning Sheets and Lesson Bank for Elementary - Grades K-5
Construct a planning sheet using the Elementary template that will provide for 36 weeks of instruction (once a week for 45-50 minute periods) for each grade level K-5. In addition, using digital resources, construct a bank of lessons for the grade level. Lessons may take more than one class period - several weeks, in fact. Load both documents into the appropriate grade file.
Planning Sheets and Lesson Bank for Secondary Level
Construct a planning sheet using the Secondary template that will provide for 18 weeks of instruction (every day for 90 minute periods - Semester Block Schedule) for the following courses: A Design course (either 2-D Design, 3-D Design or a combination of both); a Media Arts course; and an Art Appreciation Course. In addition, using digital resources, construct a bank of lessons for the course. Lessons may take more than one class period - several weeks, in fact. Load both documents into the appropriate file.
Gallery Reviews
Using the Gallery Review Guidelines construct a gallery review and load into the appropriate file.
Short Lesson Plan
Using the Converse Short Lesson Plan template, construct a lesson plan with 3 appropriate CABD objectives, 3 matching standards from the SC College and Career Readiness Standards for Visual and Performing Arts, and 3 assessments. Include materials and appropriate steps to complete the project in the Procedures section. Load into the appropriate file.
4.0 SCTS Lesson Plan
Using the SCTS Lesson Plan template, construct a lesson plan with 3 appropriate CABD objectives, 3 matching standards from the SC College and Career Readiness Standards for Visual and Performing Arts, and 3 assessments. Include materials and appropriate steps to complete the project in the Procedures section. This lesson should be an expanded version of the Short Lesson Plan and include full assessment documents and a media presentation such as a PowerPoint or Prezi. Load all items into the appropropriate file.
All written files should be placed in a separate folder and saved as .PDF’s
List the file names in this document (here) and make sure they correspond to the work located in the folder by file name.