Course Title: ART 561 Artist, Researcher, Teacher, Transformer
Term: Even Numbered Summers and by DIS as Needed
Course Description
This course is designed to explore and develop conceptual understanding of the Artist/Researcher/Teacher model and a holistic approach to art education as proposed by Lowenfeld, Dewey, Dow, Hoffman, Burton, London and others who have promoted the expressive and transformative qualities of the discipline. Students will review modern and contemporary art education perspectives and develop a personal plan for creating their art and integrating the experience into their K-12 classroom. This course is for the advanced art education student in the MEd – Art Education degree program or by permission of the instructor for students in related advanced degree programs or for recertification.
Context: This course is for the advanced art education student in the MEd – Art Education degree program or by permission of the instructor for students in related advanced degree programs or for recertification.
Process: The instructor will facilitate discussion of modern and contemporary issues including student engagement, classroom culture, and creativity. The instructor will provide experiences for art making and design of a personal program to integrate teacher art into the school art program.
Content: Concepts explored include: artist/researcher/teacher model, foundational approaches to holistic art education, facets of holistic art education, art integration, assisting the development of art education teacher candidates, creating classroom culture and the development of the classroom as a studio for students and an extension of the studio practice of teachers.
Required Texts:
Thornton, A. (2013). Artist, Researcher, Teacher: A Study of Professional Identity in Art and Education, Intellect Books: Chicago, IL. ISBN 978-1-84150-644-9
David Bayles and Ted Orland. Art and Fear. ISBN-13: 978-0-9614547-3-9
Course Objectives
1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the artist/researcher/teacher model by developing a plan of instruction that includes expressive responses to teacher generated problems and their own professional practice.
2. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical and practical applications of the artist/researcher/teacher model and holistic approaches to art education through journal responses to readings and participation in class discussion.
3. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the artist/researcher/teacher model through the development of a presentation on a contemporary artist/researcher/teacher and exploration of their creative process and reflection on the impact of the teacher’s personal art making on their teaching.
4. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the artist/researcher/teacher model and holistic approaches to art education through the development of a unit plan that illustrates key concepts and provides opportunities to positively impact classroom and/or school culture.
Course Outcomes
1. Completion of a personal art development plan to generate classroom lessons.
2. Completion of chapter presentations to readings and participation in class discussions.
3. Construction of an artwork and presentation to examine the impact of teacher art making on their teaching with art education and historical references/case study correlation.
4. Construction of a unit plan using holistic and artist/researcher/teacher model concepts to transform art classroom and/or school culture.
Project Title for written work assignments:
Personal Art Development Plan
Complete a personal art development plan to generate classroom lessons and grow personal studio practice. This can be in chart format or narrative by month. Note each month July through the year through next June. Note the following aspects or columns for growth each month - Artist, Researcher, Teacher and also Transformer (a reflection of how the activities of the first three will impact you each month).
Chapter Presentations
Construct a chapter presentation and lead the discussion on the chapter.
Artwork and Presentation
Construct an artwork and presentation to examine the impact of teacher art making on their teaching with art education and historical references/case study correlation. Will be presented on the last two days of class.
Unit Plan to Transform Art Classroom and/or School Culture
Construct a unit plan using holistic and artist/researcher/teacher model concepts to transform art classroom and/or school culture.
All written files should be placed in a separate folder and saved as .PDF’s
List the file names in this document (here) and make sure they correspond to the work located in the folder by file name.