Course Title: ART 300L - 500L Art for the Elementary Clinical Lab
Term: Spring Term
Course Description
Undergraduate Course Description: ART 300L Art for the Elementary Clinical/Lab: Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDU 360 and ART 300. The course provides opportunities for observation, participation, and directed teaching experience in K-5 art programs. The course requires 50 hours of on-site clinical experience in addition to the on-campus course participation. It may be the first or second clinical. Offered Spring Term. Pass/Fail grading. BA Art Education Program Requirement.
Graduate Course Description ART 500L Art for the Elementary Clinical/Lab: Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDU 560 and ART 500. This course provides the Master of Art in Teaching art education student an opportunity to work with students in an elementary art classroom. The emphasis is placed on observation and participation in the classroom. Additionally, there will be some readings, written assignments, several seminars with the instructor, and video taping of lessons. The course includes observation, participation and limited directed teaching experience in local, normally, public schools. Students should sign up one full semester before the term. Grading is on a pass/fail basis. Program requirement for MAT Art Education.
Context: This course is for BA or MAT Art Education students who are seeking initial teacher certification in Art Education. It includes a 50-hour clinical in an elementary art classroom with a mentor art elementary teacher.
Process: The student will participate in a 50-hour clinical experience with an elementary art teacher and provide opportunities to implement best practices in art education demonstrated in teaching two lessons and completing SCTS 4.0 documentation of experiences.
Content: Students will document all objectives and be evaluated using SCTS 4.0 and instructor and mentor ratings forms supplied in Live Text. All other content will be uploaded to Canvas. Students must have two taped lessons for the elementary clinical. Check with your clinical supervisor if you need their assistance in the taping process. Students are to make sure that works on tape are viewable. No excuses will be accepted and the lesson will have to be redone if it is not viewable.
Course Objectives
1. The student will design appropriate instructional objectives and lesson plans for students based on diagnosis, the curriculum, and various learning and/or teaching models/styles, thinking skills, and developmental levels that meet SCTS 4.0 requirements.
2. The student will interact with an individual student or group in assessing and improving artistic knowledge and skills for elementary student populations as evidenced by the cooperating teacher and student reflections.
3. The student will assist in building the students’ self-esteem and confidence in the art classroom as evidenced by the cooperating teacher and student reflections.
4. The student will manage the behavior of an individual student or large group of students in the art classroom and to assist when necessary in the resolution of conflicts as evidenced by the cooperating teacher and student reflections.
5. The student will demonstrate a proficiency in relating as well as communicating with students, parents, and other adults as evidenced through observations by the cooperating clinical teacher.
6. The student will observe an art teacher in the elementary art classroom while instructing art in various elementary grade levels and model best practices in teaching as documented in the recording of two lessons.
Course Outcomes
1. The student will complete all objectives and documentation of such as deemed by the Art Education Program Director in consultation with the Cooperating Clinical Teacher. Evaluation documents will be posted to LiveText.
2.The student will receive a successful recommendation from the cooperating clinical teacher and provide documentation of student reflections through the Professional Review and Self-Review templates.
3.The student will demonstrate successful student product and growth through the completion of the SLO and Professional Review and Self Review.
4.The student will receive a successful recommendation from the cooperating teacher and provide documentation of classroom management through the SLO and Professional Review and Self Review.
5. The student will receive a successful recommendation from the cooperating clinical teacher as evidenced through observation and documented on Live Text.
6. The student will provide a time log of classroom experiences on Live Text and documentation of two lessons they have planned and taught that meet the expectations and requirements of SCTS 4.0.
Responsive Classroom for Music, Art, PE, and Other Special Areas. (2016). Center for Responsive Schools, Inc., Turner Falls: MA.
Response to Chapter Readings
Construct a two paragraph response to key points in each chapter - paragraph one is a summary and paragraph two includes analysis and how you might use the information in your teaching.
Converse Short Lesson Plan #1 and #2
Construct a lesson plan along with any other resources that you will need - up to 5 files. You will teach this lesson to your peers in class before midterm.
Clinical Teacher Interview
Interview your classroom teacher with the questions provided. If needed expand upon the questions to ask more that may reveal important content to assist you in your classroom. Make sure that your cooperating teacher completes the Livetext link to evaluate you also.
Timelog and Classroom Diagram
Submit your time log and a classroom diagram of your Elementary Art Classroom placement.