Course Title: ART 564: Introduction to Art Education
Term: Summer 2 and Jan Term
Course Description
ART 564: INTRODUCTION TO ART EDUCATION. ZERO CREDIT. This course is a survey of best practices and methods to prepare the alternative certification candidate in art education for the PK-12 classroom. Offered in a workshop/seminar format, candidates will be introduced to concepts of positive school climate, classroom management, teaching to SC Standards, and providing a safe and ethical space for creativity with diverse student populations. Requirement for Converse Alternative Certification – Art Education Program. Pass/Fail. Lab fee.
Context: This course is designed for candidates who possess a bachelor’s degree in art or a related studio field and who desire to enter the teaching profession.
Process: The instructor will provide experiences for student reflection on readings, interaction and discussion with classmates regarding course topics, research on best practices in art education, and opportunities to present their findings.
Content: The course topics include but are not limited to: SC Code of Ethics for Educators; School and District Policies; School Safety Practices; Setting Up the Classroom; Designing and Implementing a Classroom Management Plan for Art; SC College- and Career-Ready Standards for the Visual Arts, Media Arts, and Design; ADEPT/SAFE-T/SCTS4.o and Long-Range Planning; Budget and Supplies; Working with Special Area Peers for Success; Special Education Policies and Teaching Strategies for the Art Classroom; Professional Organizations and Practice; Exhibitions and Advocacy for the Arts; Art and Technology; Integrating Art with Content Areas; Teaching Diverse Populations.
Required Texts:
How to be an Effective Teacher: The First Days of School, (2018) Fifth Ed. Wong, H.K. & Wong. R.T. Harry K. Wong Publications, Mountain View: CA. ISBN 978-0-9764233-8-6
Optional Texts:
Responsive Classroom for Music, Art, PE, and Other Special Areas. (2016). Center for Responsive Schools, Inc., Turner Falls: MA.
Course Objectives
1. The student will demonstrate knowledge of ethical practices for educators, and demonstrate knowledge of school and district policies and safety practices within their districts and with peer districts.
2.The student will demonstrate knowledge of ADEPT (SCTS 4.0) and how to complete candidate requirements for the evaluation.
3.The student will demonstrate the ability to construct a basic classroom management plan and long-range plan to set a positive tone for the school year.
4.The student will participate actively and positively in discussions, presentations, and peer sessions.
Course Outcomes
1. The student will score 80% on a test of information presented regarding ethical behavior and school safety and climate.
2.The student will complete Lesson Plans and SLO for this course along with a review of all documents that the candidate must complete during the regular evaluation period. The student will present the lessons in a PowerPoint to share with the class along with basic SLO information.
3. The student will construct a classroom management plan and long-range plans for each level for their site. Students will attach a budget/supply list to the long-range plans.
4.The student will participate throughout the seminar, lecture, and work sessions.
3 Converse SCTS 4.0 Lesson plans scored with Rubric
Create three related lesson plans that can form the basis for a SLO. Use the Converse SCTS 4.0 Lesson Plan and Rubric to construct your plans.
SCTS 4.0 SLO scored with Rubric
Complete your SLO based on your three lesson plans and using the SCTS 4.0 template. Upload it to Canvas. You cannot collect data until you have a class, but you will be ready.
Classroom Management Plan
Design a classroom management plan for your classroom. Include class rules and procedures for daily routines.
Budget/Supply List
Create a budget for the year and upload it here. Remember to account for tax and shipping. $1500 max. including tax/shipping.
Participation/Chapter Reflections
Complete chapter reflections and questions from the readings in Wong’s First Days of School.